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Director Corporate Services: Ms SSP Xaba
Email: xabassp@uphongolo.gov.za Tell: 0344131223
Corporate Services manages the governance affairs of the municipality. Our objective is to ensure that the administrative affairs of this council and administration are of a high standard. This Department is responsible for council and committees, legal affairs, general administration, human resources management and communication.
Key Performance Areas
- General Administration
- Archive Services
- Council and Committee Support
- Cleaning Services
- Customer Care
- Ward Committees
- Human Resources Management
- Skills Development
- Labour Relations
- Employment Equity
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Legal Services
The Corporate Services Department is split into four sections:
- Administration
- Customer Relations Management
- Human Resources Management
- Information and Communication Technology
1. Administration
Overview of Administration
This Section is responsible for the effective functioning of the Council’s secretariat and corporate support, telecommunication systems and controls as well as the distribution and archiving of records.
Secretariat & Corporate Support: Council & Committees
Secretariat and Corporate support to Council and its Committees, which covers the whole spectrum of Decision Management from the stage when an Item is submitted to the Council or its Committees until the resolution has been taken and implemented.
Schedules of meetings Agenda Items and Minutes can be found here
Registry & Archives
Providing application platforms capable of satisfying business requirements and aligning document management systems to facilitate effective circulation, response, storage, and retrieval.
2. Customer Relations Management
Overview Customer Relations Management
Manages all formal communication from the municipality to relevant (internal and external) stakeholders to ensure that the image of the municipality is enhanced. Promote the principles of the Batho Pele and Good Customer Relations which underpin the municipality’s vision “to be the best together”. As well as effectively coordinating all customer complaints, reporting and analysis and ensuring that the municipality achieves the targets and objectives set in the Customer Care Policy.
3. Human Resources
Acting Human Resource Manager: Mrs NZ Xaba
Email: nomcebop@uphongolo.gov.za Tell: 0344131223
Overview of Human Resources
The Human Resources function is a staff function aimed at providing the organisation with labour, and giving it specialised human resources services to help it to achieve its goals of the organisation.
The Human Resources section provides the following functions:
- Human resources provisioning, comprising human resources planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction, and career management.
- Human resources maintenance, comprising the determination of conditions of service, remuneration structures, record keeping, personnel turn-over, settlement of disputes, advisory services, employer-employee relations, and social responsibility. Employment equity and performance assessment.
- Human resources development comprises training and development for its staff.
4. Information and Communication Technology
Information Communications Technology Manager: Mr MC Gumbi
Email: gumbimc@uphongolo.gov.za Tell: 0344131223
The ICT section is responsible for the rendering of IT support to all departments of the municipality. It ensures that the relevant systems and procedures are in place as required by legislation.
Implementation of appropriate telecommunications systems and expenditure control to ensure cost-effective and service delivery-orientated telephone and cellular communication within the Council and within the community.